Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
1984 Analysis free essay sample
Without speculation, Winston normally composes this. His journal sections show that aturally his mind goes to the amount he detests the Party and that he couldn't care less what he needs to doâ⬠Winston is loaded up with resistance and has had enough of the Partys garbage. To Illustrate his immediate disobedience to the Party, Winston wrote In his Journal theyll shoot me dont care theyll shoot me In the rear of the neck I dont care down with older sibling they generally shoot you In the rear of the neck I dont care down with elder sibling (Orwell 19). Notwithstanding expounding on the amount he despises the Party, Winston remembers the proles and the chance of defiance for a portion of his entrances. In his journal, Winston records his idea that if there is trust, it lies in the proles (Orwell 69). In light of the huge number of individuals that are a piece of the proles, Winston accepts that they are the main possibility of a fruitful defiance if just they knew their quality. We will compose a custom exposition test on 1984 Analysis or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Winston clarifies this In his journal, Until they become cognizant they will never revolt, and until after they have revolted they can't get cognizant (Orwell 70). Pen concurs with the anecdotal character Winston when he states, Because the majority are moderately free, while his own life is rigourously ontrolled, they could hold onto the chance to ascend and topple the severe state. The amassing ignored masses could overpower the decision minority If they acted deliberately (Pen). Winston needs to revolt and Is to some degree disappointed by disparage themselves. The proles, thus, won't have the option to accomplish the child of objectives Winston has as a primary concern (Pen). Pen makes a point that Winston needs to revolt despite the fact that considering it is Thoughtcrime. The character realizes he can't achieve anything without anyone else however has confidence in enormous masses to be effective in an oust if they somehow managed to attempt. The entirety of his thoughts of the proles social event to participate in a counterrevolution shows his craving for an in all cases change where as Julia couldn't care less how Big Brother influences others. Winston is likewise very fascinated in the possibility of an enemy of Party gathering and the capacity to resist the Party with individuals of regular interests. This isn't something that Julia would need to participate in, on the grounds that it incorporates a huge scope oust. She just truly thinks about maintaining a strategic distance from the Party herself. Winston persuades himself that OBrien is an individual from the Brotherhood as a result of how he essentially observes the man. Orwell xplains Winstons contemplations on OBrien before becoming more acquainted with him: Winston had seen OBrien maybe multiple times in nearly the same number of years. He felt profoundly attracted to him, and not exclusively in light of the fact that he was fascinated by the differentiation between OBriens urbane way advertisement his prize-contenders constitution. Substantially more it was a result of a covertly held conviction or maybe not in any case a conviction, only an expectation that OBriens political universality was not great. Something in his face proposed it overwhelming quality. (11) Winston is so fixated on the possibility of an insubordinate gathering that he accept OBrien is his ally when OBrien is really controlling him. On the off chance that Winston were not all that expended in discovering somebody to lead a colossal oust, at that point he may not wind up how he does with OBrien tormenting him. Julia doesn't place this much enthusiasm into OBrien and attempting to discover a power sufficiently able to beat Big Brother. Winston, as it were, appears to like being bossed by OBrien. Julia, then again, had faith in insubordination more for individual fulfillment and bliss, I. e. sexual acts. Orwell expounds on Winstons musings on sex, And what he needed, more even than to be cherished, was to separate that mass of excellence, regardless of whether it were just a single time in as long as he can remember. The sexual demonstration, effectively performed, was disobedience. Want was thoughtcrime (68). While both concur that sex is a demonstration of rebellion, Julias sees are still somewhat unique on why individuals should even now participate in these demonstrations: Unlike Winston, she had gotten a handle on the internal significance of the Partys sexual rigidity. It was not simply that the sex nature made its very own universe which was outside the Partys control and which subsequently must be demolished if conceivable. What was progressively significant was that sexual privation prompted mania, which was attractive in light of the fact that it could be changed into war-fever and pioneer adore. 132-133) The rationale over sexual activities could likewise be viewed as an explanation behind the beginning of Winston and Julias relationship. Julia is a piece of the Anti-Sex League however confesses to having intercourse with party individuals several timesâ⬠well scores of times at any rate with party individuals (Orwell 125).
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Rereading America Free Essay Topics - Is It a Good Idea?
Rereading America Free Essay Topics - Is It a Good Idea?We all know that the best way to learn is by rereading the material we've already studied and rereading America Free Essay Topics should be no different. You need to understand the information in this book, so you need to be sure you're going to get everything you need and are not missing any important points. If you want to make sense of it all, you're going to need to reread it.You can benefit from rereading America Free Essay Topics in a number of ways. First, you'll be able to understand the lesson much better if you've already seen it in print before. By seeing it as a good example, you'll be better able to apply the lessons you learn to your own life.Second, seeing an example will give you a way to ask similar questions to yourself, making the learning process easier. For example, you can ask yourself if you have a point here, but could just as easily ask yourself if you are satisfied with the principles being taught. Havi ng a concept in your mind makes rereading essays a lot easier.Lastly, having examples at hand makes it easier to manage your homework. You don't have to worry about what to do next, and if you miss something you will have an easy way to look it up. So you don't have to worry about forgetting anything, and you won't be tempted to skip a step, or to skip over a concept.The essays in America Free Essay Topics are very valuable to students. In fact, they are the only way you'll be able to apply the concepts taught to you. No other type of education will teach you everything. Essays provide a short course, giving you an overview of what is being taught, and how it applies to your life.Just because America Free Essay Topics is short doesn't mean they aren't helpful. The essays are engaging, using easy-to-understand vocabulary, examples, and exercises to help you develop and retain the information. As long as you understand the lessons that are being taught, you will be well on your way to understanding everything they have to offer.You may wonder if rereading America Free Essay Topics will help you retain the concepts or if you'll just be cramming for the test day. Even though these essays don't have detailed solutions to complex problems, you will be developing your skills in applying them. This is important, especially if you want to pass your college-level English class.Essays are valuable because they are made to answer specific questions that can be asked. Since you have the information, you can read them again and understand how to use it in real life. In this way, these essays are valuable to students who want to use these lessons to their advantage. It's all about making the most of the time you have spent studying and using what you've learned to your advantage.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Essay about The King of Franks Charles the Great or...
Charlemagne, also known as Charles the Great, was the king of the franks. He was highly influenced by Constantine and his christian empire. Charlemagne supported christian art and commissioned the contraction of a palace and chapel in Germany, which severed as the center of his power. His time was known as the Carolingian Renaissance, where he revived many imperial roman traditions such as the early Christian tradition of depicting Christ as a statuesque youth. In his time marvelous illuminated manuscripts. After the rule of Charlemagne, as Carolingian art began to subside, entered the new ruler Otto III. Otto III was both influenced by Constantine and Charlemagne. Ottonian art focused on geometry, ivory plaques, and small artwork as wellâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦One main difference between these two pieces is the fact that the Gero Crucifix is much simpler compared to the cover of the Lindau Gospel. We can observe that the gold cover of the Lindau Gospel is beautifully embellis hed by a numerous quantity of pearls, sapphires, emeralds and garnets. On the other hand, the Gero Crucifix is simple yet beautifully detailed wooded sculpture adorned with a simple halo on the back of his head. Now, like I previously said, both pieces share a main subject which is Christ; however, perhaps the most visually obvious difference is portrayed through Christ himself. In the Lindau Gospel, Christ is depicted as the classical, youthful Christ oblivious of the pain he was facing. On the contrary, the Christ found on the Gero Crucifix presents a different conception compared to the cover from Lindau Gospel and we can clearly observe and perceive the emotional power of Christââ¬â¢s intense agony as well as his suffering through the heaviness of his body and his contorted facial expression. The bronze doors of Saint Michaelââ¬â¢s Cathedral, Hildesheim revive the monumental sculptural tradition found during the Ottonian art period in Early Medieval Europe. According to Gardners Art Through the Ages: The Western Perspective, Carolingian sculpture, like most sculpture from Late Antiquity, consisted of primarily small-scale art (Gardner 302). Even though the bronze
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
President John F. Kennedy And Nikita Khrushchev - 1913 Words
President John F. Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev were two of the most important men during the Cuban Missile crisis; they had a lot of differences in character and response to the situation, but had some similarities as well. The two were a couple of the most influential men of their time, especially considering the tense Cold War and resulting Cuban Missile Crisis. John F. Kennedy was the youngest man to be elected president at his time, so you can imagine the pressure he must have felt as a prominent leader in such a trying time. However, he had an admirable history, having gone to some of the most respectable schools throughout his life, including Princeton University and Harvard University (Encyclopedia of World Biography). Born into aâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦When it capsized, he ordered his men to swim to a small island about three miles away. He towed one man to shore in a heroic five-hour struggle. Several days later, having displayed great courage, leadership, and endura nce, Kennedy succeeded in having his men rescued (Encyclopedia of World Biography). After coming into office, he led a renewed drive for public service and eventually provided federal support for the growing civil rights movement. He called on his fellow Americans to work together in the pursuit of progress and the elimination of poverty, but also in the battle to win the ongoing Cold War against communism around the world, saying, ââ¬Å"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.â⬠( Nikita Khrushchev, a short and plump man, was known to have a quick temper, and was a seemingly likeable man with a sense of humor (The Human Odyssey: From Modern Times to our Contemporary Era 226). It was much harder for Nikita to rise to power than Kennedy. Nikita started out his career as a pipe fitter, and later joined the Red Army against the whites in the Ukraine during the Civil War, being employed by Stalin to do so. The following year, he became a full member of the Politburo, and later became the first Secretary of the Communist party in 1953 ( By 1956, he became the USSRââ¬â¢s dominant leader (World History:
If U Win 1 Crore How Could U Spend It free essay sample
Winning a 1 crore is a luckiest thing that can happen to anybody. It makes a person feel on top of the world. I would feel the same way just like everybody else. It will make the life most amazing beautiful heaven. opportunities to achieve not only my wishes but those wishes which I can only dream and it take a long way to reach them. For instance, I will take care of my family, with myself and I would also like to donate some money for poor people back in my country. As I mentioned that I will take care of my family, it includes a lot of never ending requirements. Since my family and I live in a town house apartment, I would like to buy a new house for my family. We hardly fit in our space. It is a spacious apartment but not much for a 6 member family. We will write a custom essay sample on If U Win 1 Crore How Could U Spend It? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I have 2 sisters. I and my sister share a room. It is fun to have a sister in a room. It means a lot to me that she is always closer to me and there for me whenever I need her. But everybody reaches a level in their life where privacy is very important. Therefore I believe that every individual in a house must have their own space where they can have as much privacy as they want. Moreover my mom and dad have a big family. They always like to have get together and celebrate any event together. Getting a big house will fill my mom and dad wish and will make life much easier. Everybody has a way of earning. A way which suits them and makes their life flow the way they want it to be. Our family is really connected dependent on each other. Nobody has a problem with that. But if my luck gives me such an opportunity I would definitely like to modify our way of earning. My mom baby sits and she is tired of doing that I will ask her to take a break from work since she hasnt in past 5 years. My dad is a heart and diabetic Disadvantages of A Million Dollars Winning a million dollars could turn out being more trouble than it is worth. There are many reasons as to why winning that much money would be too much hassle. With a million dollars, you could see the world, buy your dream house, or pay off debts. However, when you win that much money you only receive half of it after taxes, so your spending limit is limited. Many people who receive large amounts of money like this spurge until there is nothing left. Some people use this money to pay off debts, which is potentially good. Then, they turn around and excessively buy many things that they could truly live without. After, the excessive spending most people go right back into debt because they did not invest the money wisely. With all this money, many people you know or somewhat know are going to come out of the wood works. These people are going to beg for money. Some will try and say you owe them. All in all, these people want a piece of your winnings. This issue could cause relationship problems between loved ones and friends. You can help out your family and friends with their debt. Many times though those people can be very greedy and wont be happy with what you do give them. They might ask for more or say it is not enough. Furthermore, if you dont help these people, they could start problems and that is when you will find out who matters and who is just being a mooch. Money changes people and on many occasions for the worst. People become greedy when they have money. Greed can start to push away the people who really matter in life. Many times fake friends are gained that can bring you down. Goals people have are lost, because they think, they dont need work or to gain an education with all the money they have. Money is the evil of all evil. Money does make the world go round and buys the essential things we need to live, but it also changes the way people live. Most people who do not have money are grateful any This hub is specifically designed to ask the question, What would you do if you won 100 million dollars? Its a question everyone loves to think about and then answer. So I figured, it would be fun to see what people would do with 100 million dollars! So first, I am going to tell you what I would do with my 100 million dollars. Then, I encourage you to comment or even write a hub about what you would do with your 100 million! Have fun with this!
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Judgments And Antigone Essays - Mythological Kings, Antigone
Judgments and Antigone Throughout history mankind has always been faced with judgments. According the Oxford English Dictionary, judgment means "the mental ability to form an opinion" (AHD, 454). We are forced to make decisions based on our "mental opinions." Then, one's actions are based on ?mental opinions' which are judged by other people. Then there is the inevitable justification of these actions by other people or the person themselves. According the Oxford English Dictionary, justify means "to demonstrate sufficient legal reason for (an action taken)" (456). Once those actions are justified, they are considered morally and legally acceptable and are therefore are left alone. However, many times in a person's life, some decisions based on judgments are not justifiable. That is what causes conflict and separation among people. Often this disparity in perception on judgment leads to crime and punishment. This is very apparent in young children. If a younger brother bothers his older sibling, the older sibling often cannot understand why. So he or she feels that the younger sibling's action is not justifiable. Since it cannot logically be justified, the older brother or sister usually decides to punish the younger sibling by hitting him or her. This leads to crime and punishment. Now it is difficult for the parents of those children to justify the reason for argument. So they punish their children by putting them in ?timeout'. And this whole concept is what underlines both Antigone, by Sophocles and The Reader, by Bernard Schlink. In both stories, judgments arise and decisions are made based on those judgments. When those judgments cannot be justified, they are sent to be judged upon by a higher authority. This is all due to a difference in opinion which leads back to whether those unjustifiable decisions were considered a crime that deserve punishment. The focus of this paper is to point out some decisions based on judgments that could not be justified. It is also a discussion questions the possibility of justification in these judgments. When a person thinks of Antigone, his or her first thought is usually, "Oh yes, I know her, she was that tragic hero." This shows that Antigone did something right, and was falsely accused because one, heroes do not ever do anything wrong, and two, something tragic or uncalled for happened to her. Basically, Antigone lived with her sister in their uncle's royal house in Thebes. Creon was king there, and his decisions, opinions, and judgments were the law in Thebes. Laws that even superceded the laws of the gods. Creon's power shows when he and Heamon are having a conversation; Heamon was angered by his fathers thought to kill his fiance and reacted by questioning. "Protect your rights? / When you trample down the honors of the gods?" (Schilb 1328). Heamon was trying to say that Creon's right to make judgments could not be defended when those judgments go against the Gods. Creon reacted by saying "Is that so! / Now, by heaven, I promise you, you'll pay- / taunting, insulting me! Bring her out,/ that hateful- she'll die now, here, / in front of his eyes, beside her groom" (1328-1329). This proves as an example of Creon's power in Thebes. Antigone did the worst possible thing in Thebes. She defied the power of her uncle. After Antigone's brothers, Eteocles and Polynices, killed each other in combat, Antigone was saddened. What made her feel worse was that Polynices was not to be buried and paid respect to because Creon did not like him. Grief-stricken, Antigone decided that she was going to bury her brother no matter what the cost. So she went ahead and buried her Polynices. Antigone's determination was shown in her conversation with her sister Ismene when Antigone said: Why not? Our own brothers' burial! / Hasn't Creon graced one with all the rites,/ disgraced the other? Eteocles, they say, / has been given full military honors, / rightly so- Creon's laid him in the earth/ and he goes with glory down among the dead. / But the body of Polynices, who died miserably/ - why, a city-wide proclamation, rumor has it,/ forbids anyone to bury him, even mourn him. / He's to be unwept, unburied, a lovely treasure/ for birds that scan the field and feast to their heart's content. (1308) Antigone was able to justify her judgment that it was all right to bury her brother because he deserved to be mourned just like Eteocles. There was nothing that could have stopped Antigone from burying her brother. So she listened to her
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Economics - Case Study on Costco (2010)
Economics - Case Study on Costco (2010) Costco - let the grocery wars beginAuthor: John RolfeApril 16, 2010THE arrival of retailer Costco in Sydney is going to push down the price of shopping. And you won't even have to be a customer to benefit.As UNSW associate professor and competition expert Frank Zumbo said yesterday: "I have no doubt that once these Costcos are in full swing you will see significant pricing pressure on Coles and Woolworths."Premier Kristina Keneally yesterday confirmed a report in The Daily Telegraph that planning authorities had set aside the objections of Westfield and others, allowing Costco to build its first Sydney store, on Parramatta Rd at Auburn.The store should open next year along with a new intersection to cope with the expected traffic.Ultimately the US giant hopes to have five Sydney sites and maybe one in Canberra. It believes getting the OK for the first store will make it easier to get consent for the rest.costco entranceWestfield and other mall operators strenuously objected to Costc o's $60 million Auburn proposal.Professor Zumbo said Costco "would suck customers into Auburn, away from other shopping centres".The cornerstone tenants of those malls are Woolworths and Coles.In other markets Costco has been able to undercut competitors similar to Woolworths and Coles by as much as 25 per cent.Costco's cost of doing business is about 10 per cent of revenue while Woolworths' is 20 per cent.A price comparison yesterday by The Daily Telegraph showed Costco's first Australian store, at Docklands in Melbourne, was selling Vegemite for nearly 20 per cent less than Coles and 10 per cent cheaper than Woolworths.Coca-Cola was 44 per cent less than at Coles and 32 per cent less than the Fresh Food People.Cold Power laundry powder...
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Best (and Cheapest) Summer Destinations
Best (and Cheapest) Summer Destinations Summer is finally here and itââ¬â¢s your opportunity to give your mind and body a well-earned rest from the rigors of college life. Sure, you could spend your precious vacation running the never-ending mouse-wheel of work, television, and family reunions. Or, you could keep doing school throughout the summer and run the risk of complete burnout when September arrives. Take a little advice from the pros: use your vacation to go somewhere that will rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit. These 5 vacation destinations will inspire you without leaving you in financial ruin. 1. Blake Island, Washington If you have a hankering to get off the mainland but you canââ¬â¢t afford that Hawaiian airfare, look no further than the beautiful Native American respite of Blake Island. Just across the Puget Sound from bustling Seattle, you can take the ferry to Tillicum Village for just $40. You can explore the 400+ acres of natural beauty, attend the traditional salmon bake, or bring your tent and camp out next to the ocean. And, if you are looking for more exciting night life, you can always head back over to the city where you can check out the clubs, comedy, and shows that are sure to entertain on a budget. 2. Miami Beach, Florida At airfare of under $500 per person, going to Miami is all about adventure on a dime. Not only is the beach covered in attractive and available college vacationers, but the city offers benefits for every type of traveler. Stay in one of the modern hotels in the Art Deco District of South Beach or take in the beautiful camping sites at the Miami Everglades Resort for just $31 per day. In addition, the U.S. has just reopened the ferry service from Miami to Cuba. For just $300, you can literally leave the states behind and party Havana-style. 3. San Diego, California Why spend all the money to go to Mexico when you can recreate a South-of-the-border adventure right here on U.S. soil? San Diego is not only an inexpensive choice (less than $400 per flight), but the ocean city is full of low-cost fun that will leave you relaxed and tan. Visit the acclaimed San Diego Zoo ($48), Seaworld ($35), or get a Go San Diego card ($189) that gives you access to those attractions plus Legoland, San Diego Safari Park and 35 other attractions. Or, if you donââ¬â¢t want to spend a dime, drive up the coast to beautiful Huntington Beach. You can take a free stroll up the boardwalk, browse the amazing art galleries, or just enjoy some of the best surfing in the USA! 4. Louisiana Scenic Byways Getting to Louisiana is the easy part, with airfare ranging from $350 and down. But, if you want to avoid the craziness and expense of New Orleans, a great option is to rent a car and drive the spooky back roads that act as a time vortex. Youââ¬â¢ll be amazed at the gorgeous greenery and shocked at the tiny towns along the way where everyone still sits on their porch and waves to passersby. Enjoy Zydeco music, amazing food (like Boudin), and drive-through alcohol stands in tiny towns like Beaux Bridge, Bogalusa, and Ville Platte ââ¬â where all the road signs are still in French and the radio announcers still speak Creole. 5. Denver, Colorado At some of the best plane ticket prices on this list (between $100 and $300), Denver offers everything a college student could want except for free beer. The mile high city touts amazing camping, hiking, and rock-climbing as well as all the big-city amenities you could want. In addition, for those who are cannabis-friendly, the city offers a budding collection of growers, bakers, and dispensaries for you to peruse. If thatââ¬â¢s not your speed, take a trip south to the small town of Castle Rock for one of the most amazing renaissance fairs in the west. Or, just hole up in Denver proper and visit the Denver Aquarium, Denver Aviation Museum, or Six Flags Elitch Gardens ââ¬â all for under $50 each!
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Driving Around a Bend Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Driving Around a Bend - Assignment Example Higher is the speed and more is the angle of inclination. Many times, the turn is too sharp and/or the speed is too much to negotiate by the motorists and the vehicle skids causing fatal accidents. A car driver, unfortunately, cannot lean like a motorcyclist and therefore, he needs something else to help him negotiate a bend without skidding and that is banking on the road. In case of banking, there is an upward slope on the road from inner side towards the outer side of the circle. So the question is by what angle a motorcyclist should lean and also, what should be the angle of banking on the road near a bend to avoid skidding off a vehicle. These two are an essentially same problem and have been treated analytically in the subsequent section. Suddenly a bend comes on the road and he has to move along a circular arc. Moving along a circular arc requires centripetal acceleration and there must be a force to produce this acceleration. If the motorcycle goes on a horizontal circular path, this resultant force will also be horizontal. Let us consider a motorcycle of mass ââ¬Ëmââ¬â¢ moving at a speed ââ¬Ëvââ¬â¢ is negotiating a bend of radius ââ¬Ërââ¬â¢ and the road is horizontal. Therefore, the external forces acting on the vehicle are the following: As the road is horizontal, the normal reaction force ââ¬ËRââ¬â¢ is vertically upward. The only horizontal force that can act towards the center of the circular path is friction F. This is static friction and self-adjustable. The tires get a tendency to skid outward and the frictional force which opposes the skidding acts towards the center. Thus for the safe turn i.e. for the turn without skidding
Saturday, February 1, 2020
A newspaper invites young people to write articles about television Coursework
A newspaper invites young people to write articles about television programmes they either loathe or love. Write the piece you would send to the newspaper - Coursework Example You can tell which series it is from the opening sequence. Actually I can tell what series it is from the extent of Chandlerââ¬â¢s physical decline. He starts out quite fit and degenerates into an increasingly zombified, staring-eyed mess. Apparently he had to fight some addiction demons in real life. My theory is that working with this bunch gradually eroded his sanity. I only watch Friends because it provides the ideal opportunity for venting all my pent-up frustrations about life. For me this programme has all the charms of an emotional punchbag. I look at the smug, silly faces and enjoy an imaginary workout in the boxing ring with each one in turn. Except Chandler. Something worries me about Chandler. It is a fact that every viewer on the planet, unfortunately, has a soft spot for one of the six characters. Itââ¬â¢s a kind of post-modern Rorschach test. The one you identify with reveals your true nature. I never did see the attraction of Friends, and even now, almost a decade after the last series gasped its way onto our screens, I donââ¬â¢t get it. I mean look at the stereotypical gender roles. The girls are all mad: Rachel is sex-mad, Monica is neurotic and has issues with food, issues with hygiene, issues with men, and a seriously weird relationship with her brother. And Phoebe. Well, Phoebe is the poster girl for cloud-cuckoo land. ââ¬Å"Smelly cat, smelly catâ⬠¦You smell like something deadâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ What was that all about? I hope the producers are insured against all the law suits that are bound to follow from children thinking that this is acceptable behaviour in an adult human being. And the boys are not much better. Would you go out with any of them? The show has a formula that is repeated ad nauseam until finally the characters just show up on the set and the dialogue writes itself. In fact it is so predictable that a ten year old could write it and nobody would be any the wiser. Joey and Chandler have little boy-games in their flat, while Rachel
Friday, January 24, 2020
Microprocessor-based Mobile Robot with On-board Vision System Driving Range Golf Ball Retriever :: essays research papers
Microprocessor-based Mobile Robot with On-board Vision System Driving Range Golf Ball Retriever à à à à à The Golf Retrieving Mobile Robot is an undergraduate thesis of the DLSU students. It is a robot that is capable of retrieving golf balls automatically without the assistance of a person. This is very useful in a driving range or the area where golfers practice their swings to hit golf balls. The robot is named Greg, it is able to accumulate golf balls on the field. The problems that might arise are the confusion of the driving ranges and re-use of golf balls. à à à à à The flow of the operation starts from capturing the image, after which is the process image for detection of the borders as well as the golf balls. Using image processing base on the RGB values or the white and non-white image, the system is capable of distinguishing whether the object is a golf ball or not. The logic of the system is created using neural networks. The logic is programmed in such a way that the robot is able to determine how far the golf ball is and whether the object is actually a golf ball or not. The dimples of the golf ball are also one of the considerations they use in creating the logic of the system. The person is able to set the boundaries for the robot to move around. This is done by putting a boundary using blue or red tapes for the robot to sense. The border detection and avoidance is used to prevent the robot from going out of the prescribed area. à à à à à The main objective of the system is to be able to identify and retrieve golf balls. There are five main components of the system, namely, the PC compartment, the remote control, the wheels and chassis, the vision system, and the ball counter. The vision system used is the modified desktop computer. Wheels and chassis are utilized to have the mobot move around the field. The robot is capable of moving around and retrieving golf balls by itself, but the user has the option of controlling the robot through the use of the remote control or the master control of the robot. The robot consists of a front wheel which is the caster wheel and a back wheel or the rubber wheels.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Corporate Reputation Essay
The respondents also recognize the internet as the best avenue for making oneââ¬â¢s corporate social responsibility known to the public. Ninety five percent of the respondents (95%) believe that the internet is the best avenue for making oneââ¬â¢s corporate responsibility known whilst only five percent believe that there are other communication strategies that could be used in making oneââ¬â¢s corporate social responsibility known. Although the respondentsââ¬â¢ answer vary when asked why corporate social responsibility is important, they all believe in the fact that this is important for a certain organization, thus one hundred percent (100%) of the respondents believe that this should be inherent in most organizations. They also believe in the importance of public practices in order to make the public aware of corporate social responsibility, which could be essential to the success of their businesses. One hundred percent of the respondents also show that based on their experience, public relations played a very important role in changing the image of their company that significantly affects the profit they receive. Public relations, after all tremendously alter businesses. People tend to get impressed when an image of a certain company is positively shown which then significantly affects sale of products and or services. ? As seen in this study, corporate social responsibility is essential in increasing the profits of most corporations. The concept of corporate reputation has been extensively investigated in the fields of economics (Shapiro, 1983; Wilson, 1985; Kreps & Wilson, 1982; Milgrom & Roberts, 1982, 1986) and corporate strategy (Weigelt & Carnerer, 1988; Fombrum, & Shanley, 1990; Shamsie, 2003). Herbig and Milewicz (1995, p. 18) have defined reputation as ââ¬Å"an estimation of the consistency over time of an attribute of an entityâ⬠, and emphasize the fact that an organization can have several reputations, one for each attribute such as price, product quality, innovativeness, management quality ââ¬â or a global reputation. The development of reputation research is based on the vision of imperfect information in which actors depend on proxies and signals to make logical assumptions about the intentions and future behaviors of other actors (Fombrum & Shanley, 1990). Thus, reputation models presume a strong coupling between past actions and future expectations, and organizational attributes and the assessment of firms (Weigelt & Camerer, 1988). The importance of corporate reputation in the management field is dependent on the fact that corporate audiences routinely rely on the reputations of organizations in making investment decisions, career decisions and product choices (Dowling, 1986). In addition, reputational advantages that are borne out of informational asymmetries can provide firms with a valuable resource that they can use against their rivals for a relatively long period of time (Shamsie, 2003). The intangible nature of reputation, its rarity and social complexity, makes it hard to trade and copy; therefore, reputation can contribute significantly to performance differences among organizations (Barney, 1991; Peteraf, 1993). Corporate Trustworthiness The importance of the concept of trustworthiness is closely linked to the development of trust and trusting behavior literature. Trusting behavior suggests permitting oneself to be in a potentially vulnerable position relative to another, while possessing some knowledge of the other that inspires trust in his goodwill i. e. in his good intentions (Blomqvist, 1997). Thus, risk and some information about the potentially trusted person or situation are seen as necessary conditions for trust to exist (Lewis & Weiger, 1985; Oakes, 1990). This information about the potentially trusted person can be used to deduct the future behavior of the person. Along the same line, Good (1988) indicated that trust is based on expectations of how another person will behave, based on that personââ¬â¢s present and past implicit and explicit claims. In a similar position, Mayer, Davis & Schoorman (1995), in their comprehensive research, determined more than ten different individual and organizational traits that lead to trust, resuming these concepts into three constructs: ability, benevolence and integrity. In a similar setting, Blomqvist (1997) identified two main dimensions of trustworthiness, named competence and goodwill. Competence encompasses technical capabilities, skills and know-how, while goodwill suggests moral responsibility and positive intentions towards the others. Nonetheless, these organizational traits are hard to observe directly, making difficult the evaluations of corporate trustworthiness (Barney & Hansen, 1994). These concepts can be very essential to companies who would want to increase their profits. It is because of this that this study gives importance to public relations in making corporate social responsibility known to the general public. Public relations, after all tremendously alter businesses. People tend to get impressed when an image of a certain company is positively shown which then significantly affects sale of products and or services. Findings For majority of the companies who served as samples for this study, the issues related to CSR are of great importance. This is evident as most of the company websites examined have devoted a section dedicated to corporate social responsibility/corporate citizenship/sustainable development issues and that these sections are usually found in the most relevant levels of their websites, majority can be found in the home page. Obviously, the presence of this section shows the explicit recognition of the said issues. In the same manner, this serves as the companiesââ¬â¢ recognition of the importance of corporate social responsibility on their corporate websites. They also place them between the second and third hierarchical levels which again reveal their importance. However, it is also obvious enough that these corporations have not maximized their use of communication strategies in making their social responsibility known. Recommendations For future researchers on the said topic, the author of this study recommends a case study focusing on the patrons of the aforementioned companies instead of the representatives of each organization. Through this, future research could give importance to the perception of the public on the said topic. It is also through this that one could prove that corporate social responsibility, displayed in the websites, truly provide a legitimating activity for the organization in the society. In the same manner, the public could also share their opinions and views on corporate responsibility, how important it is for them and how it affects their loyalty to a certain organization. The author of this study also recommends a case study of two different companies with different backgrounds on corporate social responsibility. In doing so, future researchers would look at how profits were affected because of publishing their CSR over the internet. It is also recommended that future researchers look into the disadvantages being faced by companies (if there are any) who do not publish their corporate social responsibility over the World Wide Web. For another research that shall look into public relations, it is recommended to look into the other communication strategies that companies use in making their consumers aware of their corporate social responsibility. Lastly, the author also recommends a study that would look into the best way of transmitting social responsibility messages to the public. A case study of such could help companies in making their businesses better. This could also help companies in devising strategies that would be beneficial to their businesses, ensuring that the money they reserve for public relations and corporate social responsibility shall be maximized and in the same way; that their programs would be advantageous to their businesses. References Becker, B. E. & Huselid, M. A. 1998. Human resources strategies, complementarities and firm performance. Paper presented to the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, July. Berle, A. Jr and Means, G. C. 1968. The Modern Corporation and Private Property, Macmillan, New York, NY.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Hitler s Influence On The Nazi Regime - 2026 Words
To assess the popularity of the Nazis one must first establish the meaning of popularity and in what ways it can be assessed. Popularity in this instance is support and conformity to the Nazi regime. This essay will span from Hitler and the partyââ¬â¢s early days in the Burgerbraukeller in Munich up to the death of the regime in 1945. The evidence used will span from Hitlerââ¬â¢s own words in ââ¬ËMein Kampfââ¬â¢ to the masses of propaganda left behind upon the regimes collapse. The biggest historiographical debate in my opinion on this subject is ââ¬Ëresistenzââ¬â¢ argued by Martin Broszat and ââ¬ËLoyal reluctanceââ¬â¢ argued mainly by Robert Gellately and Ian Kershaw. During this essay both sides will be evaluated with the idea of popularity at the forefront and how each argument adds or detracts from my argument that the Nazis were mainly a popular regime. Loyal reluctance can be described in this context as loyalty to the regime but reluctance to change in order to fit the image of the regime. For example a women wearing make-up does not necessarily mean she is showing resistance or ââ¬Ëresistenzââ¬â¢ but is simply unwilling to change although she supports the regime in full. Up until 1936 conformity had a veneer of legality with the use of the Gestapo and the secret police. Evans used the term ââ¬Ëthe sunny side of the regimeââ¬â¢ (Kershaw, p. 13) to term 1933 to 1936. This appears to be an accurate estimate of the support for the Nazis up until this point as the organisations put into place seemed to stem theShow MoreRelatedThe Nazi Regime Was Defined By Its Fascism Policies1345 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Nazi regime was defined by its fascism policies in Germany that had on huge implications on the country s socio-political and economic settings. 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